What is oleoresin capsicum or capsaicin (OC)?

Oleoresin capsicum or capsaicin (OC) is the organic oil extracted from a pepper. Although oleoresin is the main active ingredient used in our herbal pepper sprays, the percentage of OC within the formulation doesn’t indicate the strength of the pepper spray. The percentage of OC only indicates the amount of red pepper contained in the pepper spray and not the pungency or effectiveness of the product.

What are capsaicin & capsaicinoids?

Oleoresin capsicum is comprised of several different capsaicinoids. There are five major capsaicinoids responsible for providing the pungency or hotness of a pepper. Capsaicin is the strongest or most important of the five. Therefore, it is the percentage of the total capsaicinoids, not the OC percentage that is most important.

Civilian and law enforcement pepper sprays range from 0.18% to 1.33% Major Capsaicinoids.

Animal Sprays range from 1.0% to 2.0% major capsaicinoids.

What are the alternative Active agents available in replacement to OC?

The alternative solutions offered are used for different scenarios involving different types of conflicts or situations. The governemnt recommends using only the following active agents to counter intense situations: -

  1. CS Agent
  2. CN Agent
  3. CR Agent
  4. PAVA Agent

The preferred synthetic agents generally used are CS & PAVA. Both the compounds are known to have to adverse after effects with the first known to be carcinogenic in nature.

However, CS has the following benefits over other agents: -
  1. CS takes effect quicker
  2. CS is more potent, but less toxic
  3. CS is extremely effective even in low concentrations
Which agents or compounds do Law Enforcement Agencies use?

Law enforcement agencies use a wide array of agents to counter adverse situations. In India, the agencies prefer to use CS and OC over other compounds. Ideally, they use OC as the active agent in aerosols and solid burning compounds to incapacitate and apprehend the attackers.

An additional benefit inlcudes the use of Ultra-violet (UV) marking dyes to mark and trace an attacked during or after the suppression of an incident.

Today, law enforcements agencies in India use OC as the preferred agent, which does not contain CS for crowd control activities.

Are Law Enforcement Products different or more effective than civilian products?

Yes, law enforcement products are more effective than civilian products. This is to give them an edge over products available to everyone otherwise. The law enforcement agencies carry similar brand (Pepspray) of products, but use more effective solutions than are available for the civilians.

What is the effective duration of use of Pepper Sprays?

Pepper sprays come in different capacities and varieties. The bigger the size, the more duration you get from the capacity. Eg. If you use a 55ml pepper spray, you will get a minimum of 5 bursts (1 second). However, if you use a 120ml pepper spray, you will get a minimum of 7 bursts. Usually half-a-second burst is enough to bring down the attacker.

What is the shelf-life of the products?

The average shelf life of civilian products is no more than three (3) years. This is to ensure that the potency of the product does not decrease over the period thereby reducing its effectiveness at the time of need.

Is it possible to re-use the canister after it has been used once?

It is recommended to replace your unit with a new one in case of such an incident. Due to the use of pressurised cans, the effective release of the compound can decrease with time.

How to dispose the canister after expiry or use?

Once used, it is recommneded to clean the surface of the unit before disposing it in an enclosed box or bag. The individuals are advised not to use water as a medium to clean the surface. Only dry cloth is to be used, which should also be disposed off with the unit.

The unit after its expiry should be disposed off using the same instructions.

The individuals are required to ensure that the pepper sprays are not handled by any infant or children.

Is it a firearm? Do we need any license to carry or possess the unit?

Pepper sprays are arms, but specifically a non-firearm used primarily for self-defence applications. They are covered under the Arms (Amendment) Act 2020. However, as it is weapon specifically designed for self-defence applications, it does not require any license for carriage.

IPC (Indian Penal Code) has sections relevant to SELF-DEFENSE in India. The following are the IPC Sections of relevance in matter of self-defense:

Section numbers: 96, 97, 102, 105 & 106

Section 96: Of the right of private defense, things done in private defense:

Nothing is an offense which is done in the exercise of the right of the private defense.

Section 97: Right of private defense of the body and of property. 

Every person has a right, subject to the restrictions contained in section 99, 

To defend – First – His own body, and the body of any other person, against any offense affecting the human body;

Secondly – the property, whatever movable or immovable, of himself or of any other person, against any act which is an offense falling under the definition of theft, robbery, mischief, or criminal trespass, or which is an attempt to commit theft, robbery, mischief or criminal trespass.

Section 102: Commencement and continuance of the right of private defense of the body.
The right of private defense of the body commences as soon as a reasonable apprehension of danger to the body arises from an attempt or threat to commit the offense, though the offense may not have been committed; and it continues as long as such apprehension of danger to the body continues.

Section 105: Commencement and continuance of the right to private defense of property.
The right of private defense of property commences when a reasonable apprehension of danger to the property commences.

The right of private defense of property against theft continues till the offender has affected his retreat with the property or either the assistance of the public authorities obtained, or the property has been recovered.

The right of private defense of property against robbery continues as long as the offender causes or attempts to cause to any person death or hurt or wrongful restraint or as long as the fear of instant death or of instant hurt or of instant personal restraint continues. 

The right of private defense of property against criminal trespass or mischief continues as long as the offender continues in the commission or criminal trespass or mischief. The right of private defense of property against house – breaking by night continues as long as the house – trespass which has been begun by such house breaking continues.

Sections 106: Right of private defense against deadly assault when there is risk of harm to innocent person.

If, in the exercise of the right of private defense against an assault which reasonably causes the apprehension of death, the defender be so situated that he cannot effectively exercise that right without risk of harm to an innocent person, his right to private defense extends to the running of that risk.

Does it have any permanent effects?

“Pepsray” has no known permanent after-effects; the initial 2-3 hrs of high discomfort & pain is the only effect to incapacitate the attacker.

What are the First Aid Instructions and Advice to treating physicians

Pepper spray contains Oleoresin Capsaicin (OC) compound and Propellant.

“In case of exposure to the Oleoresin spray contained in this aerosol dispenser, do the following: - Skin – wash with plenty of water until stinging sensation reduces. 

Approach a doctor – you may nned further medical appraisal from a dermatologist.
In case of exposure to mucous membranes – eyes, nose, mouth. Wash with plenty of water.

Try to keep victim upright to help breathing. (Do not make the victim lie down on back or stomach). This spray causes acute swelling up of tissues in the air way passages of nose and throat. 

Rush to nearest medical facility, supporting, breathing with artifical respiration (mouth-to-mouth) using plastic/or polythene barrier yourself, to avoid getting effects of this chemical in your mouth.

ADVICE For Treating Physician:  

Please note that this is a self defense spray containing: Oleoresin Capsaicin (extract of Red Chili), and propellant. The response will acute edema and lacrimation besides pain. Patient may require one or all of the following based on your judgement: -

  1. IV Steroids
  2. Sedation
  3. Analgesia
  4. Local Anesthetic instillation in involved areas.

The following have been reported: bronchospasm, non cardiogenic pulmonary edema, acute tracheobronchitis with necrosis of respiratory mucosa and pseudomembrane formation, intra- alveolar hemorrhage, and bronchopneumonia.

Patient may require ventilator support with High PEEP, FiO2 and constant suctioning to remove tenacious secretions, as well as appropriate antibiotic support for secondary infection.

Can I bring my pepper sprays on an airplane?

According to the IATA regulations, Exceptions for passengers, crewmembers, and air operators, pepper sprays maybe transported in checked-in baggage or be shipped in cargo aircrafts. However, to accommodate in checked-in baggage, it should not exceed 120 ml (4 fluid ounces) by volume, that incorporates a positive means to prevent accidental discharge. The products are FAA compliant, however, some airlines adhere to their own restrictions. Therefore, it is advised to check with the carrier to follow regulations and should be declared at the time of travel.