Effective Stopping Power: The formula to achieve an effective stopping power has been duly developed in-house, which reduces failure rate often experienced with other pepper spray brands.

Marking Dye: Marking dye(s) options are additionally available which are used to mark and identify a suspect in order to avoid any future crimes.

Safe protection from a Distance against immmediate threats

  • Range – upto 9 feet (approximately 3 meters)
  • Contains multiple bursts
  • Mist Form spray to spread the effectiveness in all directions.
  • No need to specifically aim at the time of emergency
  • Educative and informative videos available on Youtube

Pepspray is available in 5 different variants

PepSpray – 55 ml
(Pack of 1)
PepSpray – 55 ml
(Pack of 2)
PepSpray – 55 ml with Holster
(For Security Guards)
  • PepSpray – 170 ml with Holster (For security guard) Price – ₹1000/-
  • PepSpray – 400 ml with Holster (For Animal Attack) Price – ₹4000/-